April 21, 2023 8:00 AM
April 20, 2023 3:00 PM

How to Create High-Converting Copy for Every Marketing Situation

Copy converts when it’s written in the voice of your prospect, at the level of their decision making awareness, and makes them realize you’re the only solution for them.

“My copy’s not converting - and I have no idea why…”

“No one’s opening my emails…”

“My messaging isn’t working - I’m attracting the wrong audience...”

If you’ve ever uttered these words, you’ll want to join Linda as she shares tactics behind copy that converts.

Spoiler alert: Conversion copywriting is more than writing copy that ‘sounds good.’

In fact, the actual writing is a small part of writing copy that converts.

You’d discover:

  • The role of decision-making psychology
  • Little-know tips for conducting research and customer interviews
  • Proven copywriting formulas that work for every marketing occasion

And… most importantly, how to assemble your findings into logical steps that tell a story… a story where they see themselves as the hero. And your solution will help them get there.

Copy converts when it’s written in the voice of your prospect, at the level of their decision making awareness, and makes them realize you’re the only solution for them.

You’ll also learn:

→ How to create irresistible headlines and subject lines

→ Ways to write for various levels of awareness (unaware, pain aware, etc.)

→ The impact of micro copy like button copy

Whether you’re in sales or marketing, conversion copywriting makes the difference between a click… or a scroll through.

Register now and join: How to Create High-Converting Copy for Every Marketing Situation.

About Linda Melone: Linda has been a writer since she could string together a sentence.

Is a serial entrepreneur: Linda has been a pastry chef, bakery owner, and... ironically, a personal trainer who also ran an online fitness course for women over 50 who excelled (re: won awards, made money) in each of these.

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