April 14, 2023 8:00 AM
April 13, 2023 3:00 PM

Resilience Rituals for Sales Success. Getting in the Best Shape to Sell

The challenging business environment, combined with cost of living pressures, is a recipe for stress, overwhelm, and potential burnout.

The last few years have been tough for sales people. The year ahead is looking like it’s going to be even harder.

The challenging business environment, combined with cost of living pressures, is a recipe for stress, overwhelm, and potential burnout.

Now is the time to get into the best shape to sell so you can outperform your competitors without sacrificing your health and relationships.

No script, process or sales hack will help you sell more if you’re not in the right mindset to sell.

With resilience and by creating individual rituals that work for you, you can grow through the challenges ahead, while others just go through the motions.

What you will learn:

  • Share simple yet effective rituals for building resilience.
  • Provide inspiration to the audience and help them to put challenges into perspective.
  • Share tips on how to deal with rejections and setbacks without losing confidence or momentum.
  • Develop better self awareness to recognise when pressures are having an impact and effective response strategies.
  • Inspire the audience to think bigger and send them back out into the field with some extra “air in the tyres”.

About Stacey Copas: Stacey Copas has not let a devastating accident that left her a quadriplegic and needing a wheelchair for life at 12 years old slow her down. Instead, she has used her life experience and personal philosophies to work with organisations who want their people to be more engaged, resilient and productive so that they can grow through adversity, uncertainty and change.

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