May 26, 2023 8:00 AM
May 25, 2023 3:00 PM

The Perfect Close Masterclass

Deals stalling. Prospects ghosting you? More stakeholders getting involved in the buying process?

Deals stalling. Prospects ghosting you? More stakeholders getting involved in the buying process?

Sound familiar?

Join us for an exciting masterclass with none other than best-selling author James Muir!

James is an expert in the art of closing deals and he's here to share his knowledge with you. During this masterclass, he'll provide you with a framework that'll help you progress and close more deals.

James will teach you:

  • The psychology of closing deals: Understand the mindset of your prospects and learn how to tailor your approach to their needs to increase the chances of closing the deal.
  • The power of questions: Discover how to ask the right questions to uncover your prospect's pain points, address their objections, and move them closer to the sale.
  • The ABCs of closing: Learn proven techniques for closing deals. With James's expert guidance, you'll be able to confidently choose the right closing strategy for each opportunity and see results.

Most importantly, you will learn a framework to drive opportunities through the pipeline.

Unable to join us Live? That's okay. We'll be uploading a replay of the session to our past recordings section so you can watch the session in your own time.

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