5 Ways to Kickstart the New Year

Niraj Kapur is a best-selling author, a sales coach, and a legend when it comes to bringing your sales success to the next level. With the new year upon us, we knew he was the right person to ask what strategies and tactics can we implement right now to ensure next year is dramatically more successful and profitable than this year.Listen in as he shares five secrets you can immediately implement to kickstart the new year.   About our guest, Niraj Kapur:After 23 years working in sales in corporate London – from SMEs to The Guardian Newspaper Group to FTSE100 businesses (British equivalent of Fortune 500), Niraj’s book, Everybody Works in Sales became an Amazon bestseller reaching #17 under Business.Due to this success, Niraj launched an expert sales coaching practise, Everybody Works in Sales Ltd where he helps businesses and entrepreneurs increase revenue by teaching sales techniques and strategies that are not forceful or lacking integrity.  He has trained clients and given talks at Natwest, University of Buckingham, Barclays and Federation of Small Business.