A Simple Plan for Prospecting

How do you go about prospecting? Do you have a prospecting plan? If you don’t, you’re not alone as the vast majority of sales professionals don’t have a plan at all. They don’t build a list of questions to ask. They don’t seek to understand the needs of their clients before they contact them. They don’t even have a visual image of who they want to sell to.

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with the legendary Mark “The Sales” Hunter about the 8 key steps to building a successful prospecting plan. Darryl and Mark go over easy to follow aspects such as believing in your product, focusing on outcomes, and even just keeping a positive attitude. If you want to gain an edge by finally having a prospecting plan, then have we got a show for you, on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

About Darryl's guest:

Mark Hunter, CSP, “The Sales HunterTM” is recognized as an expert in sales, leadership, and profitability. He is the author of “High-Profit Prospecting” and “High-Profit Selling.” His next book, “Monday’s Are For Selling” will release in late 2019.

His book, High-Profit Prospecting was recently named to the list of “Top 100 sales books of all time.” LinkedIn selected him as a “Top Voice” for 2018 and he was just named as one of the “Global Top 30 Gurus in Sales.”

Mark has conducted thousands of training programs and keynotes on sales and leadership, on 5 continents and 28 countries. He is best known for his ability to motivate and move an organization through his high-energy presentations. He has received the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association, a designation given to a small percentage of professional speakers. Mark spent more than 15 years in the sales and marketing divisions of three Fortune 200 companies. During his career, he led many projects, including the creation of a new 200-member sales force.

This level of experience is at the core of every program he delivers to thousands of people each year in the areas of sales. As a speaker, he’s shared the stage with Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington, Simon Sinek, and others. Clients appreciate his engaging style and specific strategies that yield measurable outcomes. Each year he delivers 100+ programs around the globe.

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