Crafting Better Emails

Crafting intriguing subject lines that will make your recipients think to themselves, "Finally, an email that I wanna read," is the holy grail of cold emailing.

In this week's episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl's guest is our very own Ollie Whitfield, super-talented product marketing manager at VanillaSoft. Ollie analyzed more than 680,000 cold emails that we sent out in Autoklose, and will share his findings that offer a data-driven perspective on creating the perfect subject line that will make your open rates soar.Darryl and Ollie discuss, among many other things, the importance of subject line length, the tone and terminology you use, the most effective timing, as well as the most common mistakes.

Learn how you can boost your open rates and impress your recipients by making your cold emails a lot warmer. Be the one in charge in the game of Open or Delete!