Good Question!

Questions are the simplest tool that you have available to you. Can you frame your questions so that they are heard, received, and respected by your prospects? Do you know how to formulate a good question so that you can have that deep 2-way

dialogue your prospects crave? In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with Deb Calvert, the President of People First Productivity Solutions and Founder of the Sales Experts Channel.

Darryl and Deb talk about how to craft those questions that can create instant value, bonding experiences, and even build trust in your prospects. They also discuss ways to stay in the moment, listening to the emotional tone of the conversation, as well as steps to avoid asking questions that make you sound like a census taker. Learn ways to enrich the dialogue with your prospects, right here on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

About Darryl's guest:

Deb Calvert is the President of People First Productivity Solutions, offering sales training, coaching, and leadership development programs. Deb leads the Stop Selling & Start Leading® movement and founded The Sales Experts Channel. She is certified as an executive and sales coach and is a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®. Her bestseller, DISCOVER Questions® Get You Connected”, has recently been named by HubSpot as one of the “20 Most Highly-Rated Sales Books of All Time.”


INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales.