How to Do a Demo

No matter how good your sales pitch may be, there comes a time when you will inevitably need to provide a demo before you can close the deal. Sadly, most sales professionals focus too many resources on just making their pitch, and not enough on that all-important demo.

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by popular podcast host and digital marketing specialist Sam Dunning. Darryl and Sam share some valuable tips and advice on how you can dramatically increase the quality of your demos. They discuss ways to set an agenda, expand your discovery process, and weave stories into your demo while simultaneously getting buy-in from your prospects at every stage. Get some master class tutelage on how to create next-level demos on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

Sam Dunning is a Sales Director & Co-Owner at Web Choice. He is also the host of Sam’s Business Growth Show - a regular top 100 Apple podcast for marketing & business.  Sam is a digital marketing, sales, and business growth evangelist. He’ is passionate about helping companies boost their leads, sales, and brand positioning!

INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales.