Just Think About It

Do you know why you are succeeding, and if you aren’t, have you asked yourself why? Are you open to finding another path towards getting the results you desire? Have you asked others for their opinions or advice? Why, or why not?

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, the incomparable Jeff Bajorek sits down with Darryl to discuss how critical thinking can help you use intelligent discourse and scrutiny to get in front of your prospects the way they need to be reached. Darryl and Jeff also discuss ways to avoid being neither a people pleaser who thrills nobody nor a champion of mediocrity.

Find advice on ways to engage your brain every day, challenge assumptions, and take ownership of your outcomes on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

About Darryl's guest:

Jeff Bajorek is a consultant, an author, and a host of The Why and the Buy podcast. Companies look to him to help rethink the way they sell with a focus on principled fundamentals and determined execution.