Mastering the Follow-Up

Most sales professionals have a negative perception of follow-up, sadly throwing away the opportunity to stand out and connect with their prospects.

This week on INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl is joined by Best-Selling author and foremost authority on the follow-up, Jeff Shore. Darryl and Jeff discuss the science behind why following-up can help you to close more deals, the optimal multi-channel strategy to leverage, as well as dispelling the myths and mental hang-ups behind why SDRs avoid the follow-up.

They also talk about the wisdom of finding commonalities between you and your prospects and how following-up can lead to the benefit of referrals.

Don’t miss learning how to maximize your prospect’s emotional altitude and close more deals on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!Jeff is the President and CEO of Shore Consulting. Jeff blends leading-edge research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with an infectious passion for the sales process and personal relationships with customers. Put simply, Jeff is able translate sales theory into simple, effective and repeatable applications.Jeff’s highly sought-after keynote speaker sessions inspire audiences around the globe to change their mindset and in turn, change their world.

His innovative, research-driven approach to sales training is more than just another flavor of the week—it’s a fundamental shift in how to approach your customers and the sales process. Jeff Shore is a distinguished member of the National Speakers Association Million Dollar Group and is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP).Jeff is the author of seven books, including his most recent Closing 2.0, How to Close More Sales Faster by Putting the Customer First. Easy to read and easy to implement, Jeff’s books focus less on gimmicky and antiquated sales lines and more on the actual experience that each of your customers experiences during a buying cycle.

The more you understand your customers needs, fears and ambitions, the easier the “closing” process gets.Unlike most sales training that merely provides a short-term energy boost, Jeff (and the Shore Consulting team) partner with you to fundamentally change your sales approach in order to make lasting impact for years to come. Jeff’s proven sales training methodology blends leading-edge research with real-world sales floor expertise, all delivered with Jeff’s trademark engaging and humorous style.Jeff understands that sales training is a process, not an event, and that real sales training delivers improved performance through repetition, mastery and accountability.