Mindset Monday: You Gotta Be In It to Miss It

"Only those who have the courage to take the penalty miss them" - Roberto Baggio

The sky is blue today. And it will be for some time. The mighty Azzurri won the football (soccer) European Cup. Against all the odds. Not just in the game against England, but leading up to the tournament no one said they would progress.

For one side it was pure ecstasy. For the other - tears of disbelief. What made it so hard for the losing team is the three champions who missed critical shots to keep their team in the game.

Sports and sales share so many similarities. Even the best athletes in the world miss crucial opportunities. Missing a critical chance is not failure. The work required to get in a position to take the shot means you have already achieved success.

So many fail to get to the start line because they fear making the wrong call. Sending the wrong email. Not nailing the proposal. But in order to convert an opportunity you have to get yourself out there.

Don't let the fear of failure stop you from achieving your goals.

Connect with Luigi https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigiprestinenzi/