Must-Haves for Fast Sales Success, with Ellis Abrahams

If you're new to sales or not feeling on your game right now, this episode is essential listening. At only 18 months into his first sales role, Ellis Abrahams hit 185% of his quota last quarter. Find out how he set himself up for fast success (hint: it all starts with the right mindset).

In this episode, he shares with Luigi:

• What prospects attribute his unique cut-through to.

• Two things we can all keep at the front of our mind to lift our mindset.

• The specifics of his cadence (we knew you'd want it).

• His surprising must-have sequencing tool (and the reason it's his favourite).

• How he's sidestepped pitfalls like leading with closing notes and 'spray and pray.'

• How to get the most out of training and development.


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