#OpsTherapy 4: What is Revenue Operations and Why All the Buzz Now?

“Stop selling and start helping” - this is one of the tips from Amir Reiter, the CEO and Founder of CloudTask. If you aren’t “helping” solve a problem, you’re going to have a tough time in business.

Take a listen as Rosalyn dives into an authentic, real, and hard-hitting discussion with Amir and cover his thoughts on -

  • Why the word “outsourcing” has been stigmatized
  • Why the terms “inbound” and “outbound” are becoming irrelevant
  • Why it’s hard to put “customer first” if growth rate is your top metric

And much more..

Connect with Amir https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirreiter/

Connect with Rosalyn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosalyn-santa-elena/

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2-ways we can help you:

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