Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Are you following up with your prospects? Do you ignore your cadence, or disregard contacting certain potential prospects? In a sales world where it takes 8 – 12 touches to receive one reply, follow-ups are one of the biggest issues in sales today. To put it plainly, if you aren’t following up, you are opening the door to your competition.

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with rockstar global speaker, Meridith Elliott Powell. Darryl and Meridith discuss 5 practical strategies to help you get on top of your follow up game. They offer tips such as finding a cadence that both works for you and your prospects, as well as the importance of being patient. Darryl and Meridith also talk about the value add that following up provides for new prospects and existing clients alike. The sale happens in the follow-up, learn how to improve your own follow-up routine on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

About Darryl's Guest:

Voted one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to watch by Currency Fair, and Top 41 Motivational Sales Speakers, Meridith Elliott Powell is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and business strategist. With a background in corporate sales and leadership, her career expands over several industries including banking, healthcare, and finance. Meridith worked her way up from an entry-level position to earn her seat at the C-Suite table. Meridith is a Certified Speaking Professional ©, a designation held by less than twelve percent of professional speakers. She has a cutting-edge message, rooted in real-life examples and real-world knowledge. She is the author of six books, including her latest Cut Through The Excuses & Send Sales Through The Roof, and Who Comes Next?

Leadership Succession Made Easy. Meridith helps her clients learn the strategies they need to turn uncertainty into a competitive advantage.

INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales.