Selling Through Tough Times, with Paul Reilly

In this episode, Luigi is joined by Paul Reilly to dissect the traits needed to be a prospecting great in both boom times and turbulent times.

Join them as they cover:

💙 Their ongoing passion for selling this deep into their careers.

🎮 Two things you can do to take back control of your pipeline in a turbulent marketplace.

💁 Doubling down on serving our prospects and customers.

🌊 Differentiating yourself in a sea of sameness.

🤝 Why prospects will meet with you and what they want to know you know.

🚰 What you can do to ensure you are constantly filling your pipe.


Connect with Paul on LinkedIn, at his website, and find more information about his book Selling Through Tough Times here.

You can listen to Paul's episode on Mike Weinberg's Sales Management Simplified podcast here.

Find Luigi on LinkedIn.