The Record Breaking Mindset, with Ali Reda

This week we welcome the record-breaking legend Ali Reda to the podcast. Having recently broken Joe Girard's record of the most cars sold in a year, Ali's incredible feat is due to his astounding mindset and belief in being the best you can be.

Grab your notepads guys because this week we are exploring this mindset and how you can implement it in your own career.

This week we are proudly brought to you by Vanillasoft.


[04:10] - How Ali Reda entered the world of sales

[05:55] - How Ali broke through the limiting belief of his target

07:50] - What Ali attributes to his success

[09:35] - The defining moment in Ali’s career

[12:20] - Breaking the beliefs on salespeople

[19:00] - The impact on Ali from breaking Joe Girard's record

[27:00] - Advice for new sales professionals on building a successful career

[29:30] - Biggest influences in Ali’s career

[30:55] - What Ali would do differently