The Startup Spirit

Are you considering creating or joining a startup? There are a lot of challenges that an early-stage company can face as they try to grow, or even just launch. What measurements will you use to track success? Which channels and tools should you use, or conversely, which should you avoid? Most importantly, how can you get financial returns almost immediately?

In this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales, Darryl speaks with Scott Berty, the Rockstar Chief Growth Officer at Trufan. Darryl and Scott talk about which strategies can help quickly overcome the challenges of growing those important early accounts. They also discuss effective ways to manage your tech stack, as well as tips for making sales without having to offer painful discounts. It’s all right here on this episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!

About Darryl's Guest:

Scott’s a life-long learner and traveler with a diverse set of skills in social media, marketing, sales, and operations. With experiences that range from social media advisory and consulting for startup or scale-up technology companies, to operations management and business development, he’s suited to lead an innovative sales engine. After graduating from an international degree program in Australia and navigating his way through the business world for 3 years, he found an ideal position as the Chief Growth Officer for Trufan, a Canadian tech startup.

After joining as a member of the founding team and helping build the venture-backed business from the ground up, he's also now on the advisory board for Quarter4 - an Ai startup focussed on predictive analysis for sports. Social media and digital strategy are part of his responsibilities for each company Scott works with. Three things Scott would definitely not be here without are family, sports and peanut butter. Scott invites you to connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram!


INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel. VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales.