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How Can Social Media Marketing Help Your Business?

You've probably heard this statement before. Whether from an older generation complaining about the digital age or a zoomer marveling at the expanse of the internet, they're about half right.
How Can Social Media Marketing Help Your Business?

"Everyone's on social media." 

You've probably heard this statement before. Whether from an older generation complaining about the digital age or a zoomer marveling at the expanse of the internet, they're about half right.

According to a statistical report published by Data Reportal in January 2023, over 4.76 billion people around the globe are online. This equates to roughly around 59.4% of the total global population.

What does this mean to you? At first glance, it might seem like there really are too many people on social media. But looking closely, this is an opportunity for you to market your brand to all these digital citizens.

More exposure means more brand awareness. More brand awareness means more opportunities. More opportunities mean more revenue. And more revenue equals business success!

If you want to learn the answer to “how can social media marketing help your business?”, this guide is for you!

What Is Social Media Marketing?

In a nutshell, social media marketing is simply using social media to market your products and services. Very simple, right? 

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as this surface-level definition.

Social media marketing means learning the ins and outs of all the major social media platforms, including how users interact on each platform, what content works best for each network, and how to craft effective marketing campaigns.

It also involves understanding audience behavior to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

When you clearly understand who you want to reach, how you want to reach them, and what you want to say, that's when you can use social media to your advantage.

Social media can amplify your digital marketing efforts and help you reach more people faster. It's also a great way to connect with your target audience and build relationships that eventually lead to conversions.

How Can Social Media Marketing Help You Grow Your Business?

Social media can help you grow your business in many ways:

  • Make people know your business: Social media is a great way to spread the word about your business. You can use it to share news, stories, updates, and other relevant content with your target audience.
  • Helps you connect with your business: With today's consumer landscape, people value brands connected to their customers. Social media allows you to engage with your audience and foster relationships.
  • Drive sales and conversion: Brand loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations are invaluable to any business, and social media provides the perfect platform for that. You can use it to showcase your products, offer discounts or promotions, build customer relationships, and even promote special events.
  • Makes your business look more professional and legitimate: A solid social media presence will make you look more professional and legitimate. It also assures your customers that their money is in good hands and that they can trust your brand.

How To Create a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy

Now you know how social media can potentially boost your business growth; you might be wondering how exactly you can create a successful social media marketing strategy. Here are some steps you can take to do so:

Know Your Audience

This is the basic foundation of every digital or traditional marketing strategy. Without a solid understanding of your target audiences and what they’re looking for, your efforts will be like shooting in the dark.

You can get to know your audience by building a comprehensive customer persona. If you need help creating your first customer persona, here are some questions to help you get started:

  • Who are your customers?: Give them a basic demographic and professional profile.
  • What do they want?
  • What are their goals, pain points, and challenges? 
  • How can you help them achieve their goals, solve their challenges, or make their lives easier?

Once you understand your target audiences, you can craft better messages that resonate with them.

Create Your Brand Identity

Creating a brand identity is the second most important thing you need to do to create an effective digital marketing strategy.

When you take your business to social media, you compete with hundreds of similar brands. A unique and attractive brand identity will help you stand out.

Your brand identity should include all the essential elements, such as a logo, tagline, slogan, and visuals. For inspiration, you can look at companies with killer brand marketing, such as Apple, Nike, and Coca-Cola.

Choose Your Social Media Platform

Once you have a comprehensive customer persona and a unique brand identity, you can start building the specifics of your social media marketing strategy. Start by choosing a single social media platform to focus on.

Analyze the platform and think about how it can help you reach your audience better. Also, determine if your target audience frequents this specific platform.

For example, platforms such as Instagram or TikTok would be excellent choices if you want to target younger generations. If you want to reach more professionals, LinkedIn would be a better option.

Set Goals and Objectives

This is the "meatiest" part of your social media strategy because this is the part where you determine what you should do to reach your goals. This is where most people's minds go when they think about creating a social media strategy.

When starting, you want to create a simple and doable strategy, such as publishing one post daily for a month. When you're making a digital presence from the ground up, every reaction and comment from your audience matters, so focus on quality and consistency.

If you have no idea what you should post, you can follow this basic plan:

  • You should publish informational and educational content 70% of the time;
  • 20% of your posts should be emotional or motivational; and
  • 10% should be promotional content.

Assess Your Metrics and Adjust Your Strategy

After running your social media strategy for a month or even a quarter, you should look at the numbers and assess your results. This step is significant because you need to know what's working and what needs to be adjusted in your strategy.

For example, if your audience growth rate and your non-followers reach are low, that could mean your posts need to be more engaging or you need to adjust to the platform's algorithm.

Keep in mind that metrics are there to tell you what direction your marketing efforts are heading. Many people get so stuck in over analyzing each metric that they forget to see the bigger picture.

Focus only on the metrics that matter to your goal. If you want to build brand awareness and establish a brand community, focus on improving your engagement and audience growth rate.

What Is the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business?

As your business and social media strategy grows, you should expand your presence and explore other platforms. You can use multiple social media channels to your advantage, depending on what kind of business or service you're offering.

Here are some of the most popular platforms today and how you can use them:

  • TikTok: This platform is dominated by younger generations and is known for its 15 seconds to 3 minutes videos. It's best used for creating fun and engaging video content that will help you reach Gen Zs and millennials.
  • Facebook: Today, Facebook is considered a classic platform and the grandfather of all modern social media platforms. The demographics on Facebook vary widely. This is an excellent place to start if you're new to social media marketing since you can publish different content for your audience.
  • Instagram: Instagram is a visual-focused platform commonly frequented by millennials and working adults. This is a great platform to use if you want to showcase your product, show behind-the-scenes content, and create visuals that will grab people's attention.
  • YouTube: If you want to create long-form videos of your products, services, or educational content, YouTube is the place to be. Brands often use this platform to build an active community and a reliable source for their customers.
  • LinkedIn: If your business appeals to professional individuals and businesses, LinkedIn is the place for you. This platform is excellent for networking with professionals, showcasing your services or products, and even recruiting potential employees.
  • Twitter: This microblogging app is where you can post short and snappy content, quotes, funny anecdotes, and even live tweet events. Millennials largely dominate this platform, but the Gen Z demographic is slowly growing in numbers as well.

Leverage Social Media To Grow Your Business

Social media marketing is essential to business growth in the digital age. With the right strategy, you can reach more potential customers, build brand awareness, and establish a community around your product or service.

It might be tricky to start at first, but once you get the hang of it, your business will start to reap the rewards. Don't be scared to experiment with different platforms and content strategies — you never know what you might discover.

With consistency and hard work, you can leverage social media marketing to its full potential and grow your business in no time.

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