How to Write a Cold Email that Converts

On this episode of Skalable Growth Podcast, we dive into the world of Cold Email. In a time where automation in sales is at all an all time high, research is becoming a super power for sales professionals.

A staggering 50% of emails are deleted before they are even opened? Buyers are becoming more educated and are quick to identify cold sales emails, deleting them without a second thought.

The four key takeaways from the podcast episode are:

1. Personalization and relevance are crucial in sales outreach: Take the time to research your prospects and avoid using automation and sequencing tools without personalized research.

2. Make your email stand out from the crowd: With 50% of emails being deleted before they are opened, it's important to make your email not look like a typical sales email. Focus on earning the right to have a conversation rather than immediately pushing your solution.

3. Leverage triggers and referrals for better results: Utilize triggers such as job changes and the first 90 days in a new role to initiate conversations with C-level executives. Leverage connections on LinkedIn for valuable referrals that can improve your subject line and increase your chances of success.

4. Follow a structure and framework for higher engagement: Use a structured approach in your cold email to increase engagement and receive more replies. In future episodes, the podcast will cover other prospecting methods like cold calling and LinkedIn outreach, leading to a higher conversion rate.

To watch, How to Break through Buyers Mental Spam Filter with Jen Allen Click Here 👉 Jen Allen Session

Listen to Email Evangelist Click Here 👉 Maggie Blume Podcast

Download the Skalable Growth Playbook with Email Structure and Template Click Here 👉 Sales Playbook

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