Sales Training

Here’s Our List of the 7 Best Sales Leadership Training Programs

This article introduces you to seven of the best sales leadership programs out there.
Here’s Our List of the 7 Best Sales Leadership Training Programs

Helpful Summary

  • Overview: This article introduces you to seven of the best sales leadership programs out there.
  • Why trust us: Growth Forum is renowned for its expertise in sales training. Our program is led by industry thought leaders and has proven success across 380+ industries.
  • Why it matters: Sales training improves efficiency and revenue growth, enhances employee engagement and retention, and enhances the skills of sales representatives. This ultimately leads to better sales performance and a competitive edge.
  • Action points: When selecting a sales leadership training program, consider the breadth and depth of courses, innovative teaching methods, thought leadership, content quality, practical application opportunities, coach credibility, follow-up training, and customization options.
  • Further research: Check out the Growth Forum blog for more insights on sales training and leadership development.

Looking for a Great Sales Leadership Program?

Sales leadership training programs play an important role for any organization seeking to elevate its productivity and revenue. A study found sales training can yield a staggering 353% ROI. This means that for every dollar spent on training, companies can get up to $4.53 in return.

Leadership training programs provide sales professionals with the necessary tools, techniques, and skills to adeptly navigate every facet of the sales process, from identifying opportunities to managing customer interactions, and most importantly, closing deals.

At Growth Forum, we’re big believers in the power of effective sales leadership. And in this guide, we’re sharing our top seven picks for the best sales leadership training programs available on the market today.

Let’s get started.

Why Listen To Us?

At Growth Forum, we’ve trained more than 13,000 sales professionals and teams at companies like Canva, Deloitte, HubSpot, and more. Combined, we’ve helped our members generate $7.5 billion in revenue through impactful sales and sales leadership training.

And in case you’re still not convinced, we also offer a best-in-class guarantee. If we don’t 2X your revenue in 30–60 days, we’ll work with you for free until you hit your target.

What Is Sales Leadership Training?

Sales leadership training is a specific kind of sales training that focuses on developing the leadership skills of sales professionals. 

While traditional sales training focuses on specific techniques and tactics, sales leadership training delves deeper into the psychology of the sales profession, effective communication strategies, building strong relationships with clients, and creating a cohesive team environment.

Common topics include:

  • Developing a sales mindset
  • Effective communication and listening skills
  • Building strong relationships with clients
  • Negotiation strategies
  • Creating a high-performing sales team
  • Sales strategy and goal setting

Why is Sales Leadership Training Important?

Increased Efficiency and Revenue Growth

Companies investing in sales training are reported to be 57% more effective at sales than their competitors, and such training can boost individual sales representatives' performance by an average of 20%​​. 

Additionally, companies providing quality sales coaching have seen 7% greater annual revenue growth, and those with dynamic sales coaching programs have achieved 28% higher win rates​.

Increased Employee Engagement and Retention

Effective sales training is associated with higher levels of employee motivation, satisfaction, and retention​​. This is important, as 65% of sales professionals state that access to high-quality training positively influences their engagement​​.

Improved Sales Skills

According to recent studies, it has been found that a considerable proportion (specifically, around 55%) of sales representatives currently lack the fundamental skills required for effective sales. This alarming statistic highlights a potential gap in the knowledge and abilities of these professionals, which can directly impact their performance and ultimately lead to a decline in sales. 

Criteria to Consider When Choosing A Sales Leadership Training Program

  • Depth and breadth of training courses offered: Ensure that the program covers a wide spectrum of topics, providing comprehensive training.
  • Innovative offerings or delivery methods: Look for programs incorporating innovative teaching methods or technologies to enhance the learning experience.
  • Thought leadership and influence: Choose a program recognized within the sales training sector, preferably led by thought leaders who bring authority and expertise.
  • Quality of sales training topics and competencies: Assess the quality of content and competencies taught, ensuring they align with the current industry standards and best practices.
  • Real practice opportunities: The program should offer ample opportunities for practical application, allowing participants to implement and refine their skills.
  • Credible coach: Ensure that the facilitator or trainer possesses credibility and expertise in the field, providing valuable insights and guidance.
  • Follow-up and ongoing training: Look for a program with a structured system for follow-up and continuous training to reinforce learning.
  • Customization capabilities: Opt for a program that offers customized training solutions specifically designed to address your organization's unique selling situations.

7 Best Sales Leadership Training Programs

  1. Growth Forum’s Sales OS
  2. HubSpot Academy’s Inbound Sales Training
  3. Steli Efti’s Steli's Essential Guide to Negotiation Hacks
  4.’s Sink or Swim
  5. Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro For Teams
  6. MIT’s Leadership in an Exponentially Changing World
  7. Richardson’s Sales Presentation Skills Training

1. Growth Forum’s Sales OS

Growth Forum's Sales OS program is a comprehensive program designed to help founders, sales teams, and individuals 2X their pipelines. We created this program to teach you the exact process we’ve used to generate over $7.5 billion in deals across 380+ industries and niches.

So, what does it include? Here’s a breakdown of the program’s contents:

  • Lifetime access to Sales OS (40+ modules with regular updates)
  • Our blueprint for repeatable sales
  • Group coaching sessions
  • Done with you strategies
  • Ready-to-use frameworks and templates
  • Access to trusted accountability partners
  • Access to our community forum

…and more.

What really sets our program apart is our guarantee. If we don’t 2X your pipeline in 30–60 days, we’ll work with your company (for free) until you reach your goal. And if we can’t, you’ll get your entire investment refunded—no questions asked.

2. HubSpot Academy’s Inbound Sales Training

The Inbound Sales Certification Course offered by HubSpot Academy is designed to transform sales strategies by teaching participants how to attract, engage, and delight customers through personalized outreach and effective sales presentations. 

Key learning points include:

  • Understanding the buyer's context
  • Identifying and targeting the right buyers
  • Driving effective conversations that lead to more deals.

The course consists of 1 lesson, 22 videos, 5 quizzes, and has a duration of approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes.

3. Steli Efti’s Steli's Essential Guide to Negotiation Hacks

The course Steli's Essential Guide to Negotiation Hacks is designed to help learners master their negotiation skills using various under-the-radar sales strategies. Taught by Steli Efti, a prominent salesman from Silicon Valley, the course provides valuable insights and techniques to close more deals and build strong business relationships with clients. 

Key learning points include:

  • Implementing important negotiating hacks
  • Improving deal-closing abilities
  • Developing effective communication strategies with customers

4.’s Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim is a video course from that aims to teach sales manages “how to crush their first 90 days” in a new role. The course covers six deadly mistakes to avoid, step-by-step actions to take in each 30-day period, the importance of achieving quick wins, making talent changes, and executing a plan.

Key learning points include:

  • Understanding the risks and rewards of the first 90 days
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • Implementing strategies for effective sales leadership

5. Vengreso’s FlyMSG Sales Pro For Teams

FlyMSG Sales Pro is a modern sales training program from the people behind Vengresso that focused on helping sellers improve their prospecting skills and increase sales. 

Key learning points include:

  • Mastering LinkedIn sales techniques
  • Utilizing AI-powered tools for engaging with prospects
  • Creating compelling sales messages
  • Leveraging video engagement 

Participants will also gain access to sales prospecting scripts, templates, and on-demand training resources to enhance their sales performance.

6. MIT’s Leadership in an Exponentially Changing World

Leadership in an Exponentially Changing World is an MIT Sloan School of Management course designed to equip professionals with the necessary skills to lead effectively in a rapidly changing environment. 

The course focuses on the 4-CAPS+ Leadership Framework developed by Faculty Director Deborah Ancona and her colleagues. Participants will learn how to identify their personal leadership style, build relationships, create a compelling vision, enhance credibility, and respond to change. 

Key learning points include:

  • Understanding the skills required for effective leadership
  • Leveraging others to address organizational challenges
  • Driving innovation

7. Richardson’s Sales Presentation Skills Training

Richardson’s Sales Presentation Skills Training program is designed to help sales professionals improve their ability to deliver persuasive and customer-focused presentations. Participants will learn how to effectively engage customers, refine their delivery skills, and use a presentation framework to craft compelling messages that meet customer needs. 

Key learning points include:

  • Managing nervousness
  • Gaining immediate feedback from customers
  • Resolving objections
  • Differentiating themselves from competitors


Sales leadership is an important skill that can greatly impact the success of your organization. 

By investing in training and development programs, organizations can ensure their sales teams are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to drive innovation and address challenges in today’s constantly evolving business landscape.

At Growth Forum, we offer comprehensive sales leadership training through our Sales OS program, designed to help sales professionals enhance their leadership abilities and drive results. With 40+ modules spanning mindset, deal closure, and everything in between, our program has it all.

Book a free strategy call to learn more.

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